Why You May Need Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery sounds scary? Oral Surgery doesn’t have to put you in a panic! Here’s what you need to know:

What is Oral Surgery?

Oral surgery is any of a number of medical procedures that are performed on the mouth. There are different kinds of dental surgery, and it’s important to learn about them when deciding on treatment. Dental surgery is performed on the mouth, though there are various types of procedures. These should be taken into consideration when making treatment plans.

What’s the Difference Between A Dentist and an Oral Surgeon?

Dentistry and oral surgery are very different fields. While they both focus on fixing problems in your mouth, their treatment methods are very different. As a result, questions about which type of dentist you should choose can seem a little confusing. To answer these questions, we’ll break down the differences between a dentist and an oral surgeon.

A Dentist handles:

  • Fillings
  • Veneers
  • Bridges
  • Root Canals
  • Minor surgeries

An Oral Surgeon handles:

  • Wisdom Teeth Removal
  • Injury or defect reconstruction surgery
  • Removal of Cancer in the Mouth
  • TMJ(Temporomandibular joint dysfunction) fixes
  • Dental implants

Who can provide Oral Surgery?

Doctors that are qualified in this specialty field are known as either oral surgeons or Maxillofacial surgeons.

Main Types of Oral Surgery:

  • Endodontic. Endodontic surgery is the surgical removal of roots, teeth, and roots of fillings. The types of endodontic work typically include root canal therapy, implants, pulpectomy, pulpotomy, and apicoectomy.
  • Prosthodontics. Also known as dental prosthetics, covers the areas involved with: crowns, veneers, bridges, implants, and dentures.
  • Apicoectomy. An apicoectomy involves removing a part of the bone that is underlying the issue. This is most often done as extraction for a diseased tooth or for the removal of wisdom teeth. This area also covers Fiberotomy, which is a dental procedure that separates the fibers around a tooth.

Why Do I Need Oral Surgery?

You most likely need oral surgery because of an issue that regular treatment cannot fix. Additional reasons you might need to see an oral surgeon or have oral surgery:

Wisdom Tooth Removal:

Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure that is commonly performed to remove wisdom teeth. The procedure is often performed by a dentist after a period of observation and inflammation has subsided. As a result of the period of observation, the dentist will be able to determine if there are complications that require further investigation before performing the procedure.

There are many reasons why wisdom teeth need to be removed. The procedure is pretty common for tooth removals; however, the decision to have your teeth removed is up to you. The dental professionals who are trained in tooth extraction will give you the best instructions and thorough information about what to expect during the extraction.

TMJ (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction):

This condition is also known as “Temporomandibular joint dysfunction,” causes pain in the jaw when closing the mouth. The pain associated with temporomandibular joint dysfunction can lead to great stress. is usually chronic, and it can affect people of all ages.

It can cause pain, stiffness, accidental movements, and restrictions in your range of motion (ROM). If left untreated, TMJ can lead to a greatly reduced quality of life. Fortunately, there are several treatments available that can help unwind and prevent complications.

Mouth Cancer:

Cancer removal in the mouth is actually one of the most common dental surgery procedures. While preliminary research has shown a high success rate, the actual procedure can be quite invasive. As such, pre-operative counseling is essential prior to your treatment so you can begin making plans for the future.

Cancer is a disease that occurs in the mouth. It usually affects the cheek, chin or nose. It can also affect the jawline, chest or any other part of the body where there is an abnormal growth or mass.

Dental Implants:

If you have had a tooth removed, or lost a tooth, there is a good chance you will need dental implants. These devices replace missing teeth and can improve your quality of life. Dental implants are a type of dental restorative metal plate that replaces a tooth or teeth. Implants provide a strong foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match the rest of your teeth.

Bottom line: Talk to Your Oral Surgeon

The oral surgeon can help choose the best type of treatment for you and will work closely with you throughout your dental treatment.

If you have any questions about dental implants or procedures, talk to your dentist or oral surgeon before making any major decisions. Dental surgery is an important part of your life, and your teeth should improve your quality of life.